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cBioOnDemand Instance

Every cBioOnDemand instance has two main parts:

  • cBioPortal application
  • cBioPortal database

cBioPortal application

YAML files of related K8s objects are available at Kubernetes stack:

  • Replica Set to keep the pod up
  • Service to route traffic to the pod.
  • CronJob to fire ‘delete job’ via API (DELETE) endpoint with instance`s parameters.

Data import

Application image is based on cbioporatal image. It is extended with data loading script. Whole application image source is available at There is ‘postStart’ hook on every start of the Pod(creation, restart, reallocation, …) which start the loading-script. Script and also instance is configurable with env of the Pod.

Start up synchronization

cBioPortal application requires a database to be up and serving data before the application starts. We ensure this by using initContainer which test connectivity to the database.


Each cBioOnDemand instance has following labels:

  • app -> cbio
  • type -> ondemand
  • user -> user id from dataportal
  • instance -> unique id which is name of identifier(Custom object in Kubernetes which is created for every instance).

Special configuration

  • podAntiAfiinity -> This ensure that Pod of instances are spread evenly. (preferably)
  • nodeAffinity -> This ensure that Pod of instances are placed on nodes which has a label ‘edirex=cbio’
  • tolerations -> This ensure that Pod of instances can be placed on nodes which are tainted with ‘edirex=cbio, effect = NoSchedule’

Environment variables

  • DBHOST -> name of service for database Pod
  • IMPORT -> not in used
  • ID -> tmplist id
  • MOVE -> must match with path which instance is made public on (Domain/PATH)
  • URL -> must match to MOVE
  • DATAHUB -> indicate which DATAHUB to use in loading-script (this refers to configMap)

  • Requests are set to ensure no more than 4 instances are placed on one node (overload problem)

cBioPortal database

Kubernetes stack:

  • Replica Set to keep the pod up.
  • Service to route traffic to this Pod. No persistent storage is used. If pod goes down, data are gone…[but cBioPortal cache data].


Each instance has following labels:

  • app -> cbioDB
  • type -> ondemand
  • user -> user id from dataportal
  • instance -> unique id which is name of identifier(Custom object in Kubernetes which is created for every instance).

Special configuration

  • podAntiAffinity -> This ensure that Pod of instances are spread evenly. (preferably)
  • nodeAffinity -> This ensure that Pod of instances are placed on nodes which has a label ‘edirex=cbio’
  • tolerations -> This ensure that Pod of instances can be placed on nodes which are tainted with ‘edirex=cbio, effect = NoSchedule’

  • ENV refers to configMap which describe our configuration for mysql (also mounting configuration)
  • Requests are set to ensure stability of node (overload problem)